X-Alps 결과

X-Alps 결과

하늘우리 0 11,269 2013.07.23 22:22:57

For Immediate Release
July 19th, 2013

Monaco welcomed its tenth and final athlete on Friday morning, just hours before the Red Bull X-Alps came to an end at 12:00 local time.?

It is perhaps fitting that on the ten-year anniversary of the first Red Bull X-Alps, it should be Toma Coconea (ROM) to arrive in 10th place as he has competed in every edition of the race since 2003.

The 37-year-old, perhaps more than any other athlete, embodies the spirit of the race with his determination and never-say-die attitude. Famous for the Herculean distances he's able to cover on foot - in both 2011 and 2009 he hiked over 900km - the last day saw him hike 130km to Peille. He reached the final turnpoint at 22:52 to be greeted by cheering crowds and blaring horns. He had hardly stopped since starting at 5:30am that day.?

"He is crazy," said a friend of Coconea's who was running with him.?

Along the way, his supporter Daniel Pisica, a Colonel in the Romanian army, smoking a cigar and with AC/DC blaring out of the van's stereo, shouted commands at him to keep him going.?
"Come on soldier, fight!" he yelled.?

Paul Guschlbauer (AUT1) arrived in 9th place on Thursday, a few hours before Coconea. Having placed third in 2011 he was looking for big things in 2013 but his result is a reminder that with the Red Bull X-Alps, it's an adventure first and anything can happen. He reached Peille at 17:17, in a very respectable time of 11 days, five hours and 50 minutes.?

Race director Christoph Weber says it was one of the best editions of the race: "It was amazing for a number of reasons. The weather and flying conditions were really good making it a very fast and dynamic race. We also had a lot more teams reaching Monaco, which makes it special. When Coconea arrived they all gave him a warm welcome. It was an incredible atmosphere. The race has a very special spirit. Another reason that made it special were the mini-battles that went on - like the fight for 2nd and 3rd place and 4th and 5th place. It was a very close race for the athletes and very exciting to watch."?

The preliminary results and timings can be seen overleaf. But for the best highlights, stats, route analysis and more, explore the additional features to be found on Red Bull Mobile Live Tracking (http://www.redbullxalps.com/live-tracking.html).?

The 2013 Red Bull X-Alps results:?

1. Christian Maurer (SUI1): 6d 23hr 40m
2. Clement Latour (FRA1): 8d 16hr
3. Antoine Girard (FRA2): 8d 16hr 30m
4. Jon Chambers (GBR): 9d 5hr 12m
5. Peter Gebhard (ITA2) 9d 7hr 40m
6. Ferdinand Van Schelven (NED) 10d 9hr 27m
7. Aaron Durogati (ITA1): 10d 10hr 28m
8. Martin Muller (SUI2): 10d 21hr 43m
9. Paul Guschlbauer (AUT1): 11d 5hr 47m
10. Toma Coconea (ROM): 11d 11hr 22m
11. Honza Rejmanek (USA1): 101km*
12. Victor Sebe (FRA3): 113km?
13. Thomas de Dorlodot (BEL): 153km?
14. Evgenii Griaznov (RUS): 154km?
15. Pawel Faron (POL:) 154km?
16. Kaoru Ogisawa (JPN1): 168km?
17. Andy Fr?tscher (ITA3): 182km?
18. Shoichiro Tadano (JPN2): 184km?
19. Michal Krysta (CZE): 229km?
20. Max Mittmann (GER3): 261km?
21. Mike K?ng (AUT2): 379km?
22. Raul Penso (VEN): 385km?
23. Max Fanderl (CAN): 411km?
24. Lars Budack (GER2): 428km?
25. Pil Pyo Hong (KOR): 430km?
26. Pierre Carter (RSA): 553km
27. I?igo Gabiria (ESP): 588km?
28. Stephan Haase (USA2): Retired
29. Thomas Hofbauer (AUT3): Eliminated
30. Babu Sunuwar (NPL) Eliminated
31. Claudio Heidel (ARG) Eliminated?

* This is the distance athletes still had to go to Monaco.?

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More Information:
Uploaded every day on the Red Bull X-Alps' dedicated newsroom, www.redbullxalpsnewsroom.com, you will find:?

o High res images cleared for editorial usage in connection with Red Bull X-Alps
o Web clips
o Daily summaries?
o Background info, athlete biogs, route details and more

We only ask that you send us a copy or link of the article to zooom productions, Felderstrasse 12, 5330, Fuschl am See, Austria.?

Image credits should read: ?photographer name (found in metadata)/ Red Bull Content Pool

The Red Bull X-Alps 2013 will be the sixth edition of the world's toughest adventure race. It starts on July 7th and will see 31 athletes from 21 countries battling over 1,000km across the Alps from Salzburg to Monaco via 10 mandatory turnpoints, in the fastest time possible. Every kilometer must be covered either on foot or flown by paraglider.?
Each team consists of one athlete and up to two supporters. No technical or outside assistance is allowed. Athletes can race between the hours of 05:00 to 22:30 but can each pull one 'Night Pass' that allows them to push-on through the night on foot.?
The race requires expert paragliding experience and a very high level of endurance fitness - it's not uncommon for athletes to hike up to 100km in a day. The 2011 edition was won by Christian Maurer (SUI) in 11 days, 4 hours and 22 minutes. The 2013 edition comes on the ten-year anniversary of the first Red Bull X-Alps held in 2003.?

For all image, interview requests and other media enquiries, please contact:?
Tarquin Cooper
zooom productions gmbh
tel: +43 6226 8848-25 / mob: +43 664 544 9241?










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